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  1. 60mm Fan, 12V
    • 60mm Fan, 12V

    • M4x25 Cap Screw (2 Pcs)

    • M4 Nut (2 Pcs)

  2. Pratley Pralock
    • Pratley Pralock

    • 3mm Allen Key

    • Sharp Nose Pliers

    • Phillips Screw Driver

  3. Mount the cooling fan with the sticker facing the electronics and the wires facing the power supplies
    • Mount the cooling fan with the sticker facing the electronics and the wires facing the power supplies

    • Fix the fan with the M4x25 Cap Screws (2 Pcs), M4 Nuts (2 Pcs) and the Pratley Pratlock

  4. Connect the wires of the fan to the 100W, 12V Power Supply
    • Connect the wires of the fan to the 100W, 12V Power Supply

    • The Red wire connects to the +V port and the Black wire connects to the COM port

Finish Line

12 other people completed this guide.

Paul Cronje

Member since: 10/05/2018

6,123 Reputation

46 Guides authored


@paul @shirae Mine just went in exactly as described on the picture. Maybe the models of the fans differ…? Now I am done with this step. No to connect all the laser cables and power on and see if the CNC and laser are working. Hopefully everything is working as it should.

Francois Maritz - Reply

I ended up taking the plug off and connecting as explained.

Power comes on but does not seem to be linking to the laptop, going to recheck my connections and retry.

Shirae -

After two days stuck with the fan. Almost there but the fan has a plug on that goes somewhere and I have no idea where.

Paul Strauss - Reply

I am having exactly the same problem. Where does the fan plug into?

Shirae -

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